Psychic Readings

Professional Clairvoyant Readings

Reading Format

Readings consist of three parts: a Rose Reading, an Aura Reading, and a reading of your Questions. The Rose Reading and Aura Reading are standardized and are completed in the first half of the session—they are like a checklist of important points to look at. The second half of the session is reserved for your Questions and may take any direction you choose.

Rose Reading

The Rose Reading reveals your spiritual information. A mental image of a rose is used to symbolize you, the spiritual being. I look at how you relate to your concept of God, and how you relate to your body. I also review information from your other lifetimes.

Aura Reading

The Aura Reading focuses on seven layers of energy around your body. Your aura is the expression of your current reality, and is thus useful for tuning in to your creative patterns. Each aura layer represents a different aspect of your creativity. For example, one layer is your sexual energy, another layer is your communication, etc.

Your Questions

You may ask about any topic you like. I recommend that you write down your questions before the reading since there is a tendency to forget them during the session. You may wish to consider the following when forming your questions:

  • Blocks to your energy flow
  • Your psychic experiences
  • Your relationship to things outside of you: job, family, friends
  • Your path this lifetime
  • Goals
  • Ailments
  • Decisions
  • Unresolved issues
  • Lies you still hold as truth
  • Your reasons for having a body during this time period
  • Interference between you and the God of Your Heart (your own concept of God)


In addition to the reading you also get:

1) A CD or MP3 recording of your reading. (A reading is full of information and it is often necessary to listen to the reading more than once to absorb everything.)

2) An information booklet.


Psychic San Diego